MAY 5, 2017.


The special meeting of the Frontier Telenet Board of Directors was called to order by Chairman, Judge Steve Shaffer at 2:10 P.M.  This meeting was held in the courtroom of the Giliam County Courthouse in Condon, Oregon.

Board Members Present:  Judge Steve Shaffer, Judge Gary Thompson and Judge Lynn Morley.

Also Present:  Todd Cox, Day Wireless System, Ryan LeBlanc, Day Wireless System,  Dale Sobert, City of Condon, Mac Stinchfield, Times-Journal Newspaper, Will Carey, Frontier TeleNet Attorney, Lori Anderson, Mike Smith, Frontier Telenet Marketing Director, Rob Myers, Frontier Telenet General Manager and Jeanne E. Burch, Staff.

Public Input:

  1. Steve Shaffer read into the record the following email received from Sherry Kaseberg.

Judge Shaffer, In January you assured me that you would have my request for Frontier TeleNet public records on your next meeting agenda…now scheduled for May 5th.  I asked you to read it into the record.  See below.


Sherry Kaseberg

October 20, 2016, November 15, 2016, December 11, 2016 and January 22, 2017.

Board and Directors and Staff, Frontier Telenet/Frontier Digital Network

Sherman County Judge Gary Thompson

Giliam County Judge Steve Shaffer

Wheeler County Judge Lynn Morley

North Central ESD Superintendent Robert Waltenburg

General Manager Rob Myers

Marketing Director Mike Smith

Staff Jeanne Burch

Please read into the record on January 25, 2017, under public input/comment on agenda.

Please provide, electronically, the following records with the exception of the (previously sent) documents provided by Sherman County:

All Legal Notices, Requests for Qualifications/Proposals, Agreements and Contracts regarding and/or between Windwave Communications and /or Windwave Technologies, Inc., Inland Development Corporation, Management Resources and Sherman County or Frontier TeleNet.

All Legal Notices, Requests for Qualifications/Proposals, Agreements and Contracts regarding and/or between Rural Technology Group and Frontier TeleNet, Sherman County, Windwave Technologies, Inc. and/or Inland Development Corporation.


Sherry Kaseberg

  1. Les Ruark contacted Judge Shaffer regarding setting agenda items. His concern is that there needs to be more input from the public before special meetings are held.  Will Carey stated some of Mr. Ruark’s concerns would be addressed in the proper way to request public records which are an agenda item at this meeting.

Discussion of Contracting and Procurement Rules:  Will Carey made a presentation about a firm that specializes in Contracting and Procurement Rules.  Mr. Carey recommendation was that Frontier TeleNet develops Contracting and Procurement Rules and asked for permission to hire a firm to prepare these.  There was a discussion on the benefit of having these rules for Frontier TeleNet.  Will stated that these rules could be put in place quickly.  Moved by Gary Thompson, seconded by Lynn Morley to instruct Will Carey to contract with Speer Hoyt, LLC to provide these rules for Frontier TeleNet.  Motion carried with all present voting aye.

Discussion of Records Request Policy as Provided by Counsel:  Steve Shaffer asked if Rob Myers had anything on this issue.  He stated he had sent information to Board Members.  Rob also stated that it is better if Will Carey comments on this issue.  Mr. Carey said that there were two records requests received.  These requests can be referred to legal counsel to produce. If the request is denied then the person making the request can go to the District Attorney.  The District Attorney can instruct the entity to produce records.  If the District Attorney does instruct the entity to comply with request and they do not, then they can go to Circuit Court.  The procedure would be for the person making the request to file with the Circuit Court seeking an order to have the documents turned over.  If the person making the request wins in Circuit Court than the entity must pay the legal fees. At present the request from the Sherman County resident is at the District Attorney level.  Will Carey also stated that he had sent a resolution to be presented to the Frontier TeleNet Board at the next meeting regarding the procedure for these requests.  There also will be a form that the person making the request must fill out.  This form states there could be costs for time and copies to fulfill the request.  Costs must be reasonable.  Therefore, the person requesting the copies will know what the costs will be upfront.  Jeanne Burch reported that the request she has received want electronic records.  Will stated that does not mean you cannot bill for time spent scanning and sending records electronically.  The document stating procedure and fees will be on the next agenda.

Discussion of Records Retention and Location for Storage:  Rob Myers will be leaving Frontier TeleNet on July 1, 2017.  Most of the records are stored with Rob Myers and Will Carey stated these need to be moved to a secure location when Rob leaves.  It was ultimately decided that records will be moved to the Gilliam County Courthouse.  Eventually the records will be converted to electronic form.  Mike Smith stated that on his list to do was to set up a web site where minutes, agendas and other documents could be posted.

Discussion of LSN Contract Change at Slatt Site:  Mike Smith reported he had met with Light Speed Network (LSN) in Moro regarding renting space from Frontier TeleNet in Arlington at Slatt.  LSN stated they would like to drill through the wall into the building and gain access to Frontier TeleNet at Slatt.  Mike Smith stated his concern was the Krebs Lease for that site.  It was the consensus of the Board to move forward and bring information to next meeting.

Audit Contract:  The audit contract from Oster Professional Group presented for the 2017-2018 audit.  Moved by Lynn Morley, seconded by Gary Thompson to approve audit contract with Oster Professional Group for 2017-2018 fiscal year.  Motion carried with all present voting aye.

Budget Calendar.  Moved by Lynn Morley, seconded by Gary Thompson to approve the proposed budget calendar for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.  Motion carried with all present voting aye.  Budget Committee will meet on June 2, 2017.

Request by Frontier Regional 9-1-1 Agency to Dispatch 911 Connectivity to Burns-Paiute Tribe.  Mike Smith reported that Frontier Regional 911 had received a request to dispatch for the Burns-Paiute Indian Tribe.  The Tribe has been presented a cost of $60,000.00 to connect to Frontier Regional 911.  Mike Smith will report on this matter at next meeting.  Ryan LeBlanc asked if other Harney County agencies wish to join Frontier Regional 911 would there be additional costs to Frontier TeleNet.  Ryan LeBlanc will provide costs at next meeting.

Public Input:  Ryan LeBlanc reported that the Upgrade of Frontier TeleNet is complete.  Ryan asked if he should work with Motorola on the next update.  Consensus to the Board for Ryan to proceed.

Next Meeting:  June 2, 2017 at 10 AM or following the conclusion of the Frontier TeleNet Budget Committee Meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted:

Jeanne E. Burch

Frontier TeleNet Staff

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